I teach introductory managerial accounting and accounting theory at UH Mānoa. 

ACC 200: Introduction to Accounting I

Syllabus: Spring 2024

Teaching Evaluations: Spring 2024

This is an introductory required class on managerial accounting for all Shidler undergraduates. The class covers standard topics such as activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, and capital budgeting.

ACC 616: Accounting Theory and Development

Syllabus: Fall 2023, Fall 2024

Teaching Evaluations: Fall 2023, Fall 2024

This is a master's-level course for MAcc students in Shidler. The first part covers major methodologies in accounting research (e.g., regressions, game theory, etc.). The second part delves deeper into topics such as conservatism, incentives, and disclosure. The class is mathematically challenging, demands a fair bit of in-class participation, and involves a semester-long "project" that requires students to develop the front end of a research paper.

ACC 312 (UT Austin): Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting

Syllabus: Summer 2019

Teaching Evaluations: Summer 2019

Introduction to cost behavior, budgeting, responsibility accounting, cost control, and product costing.